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DIY Burlap Bunny Door Hanger


This DIY is such a fun way to add some country charm into your spring decor. My sister and I did this tutorial together. We had so much fun! You can make this with your gal pals or with your children (have them draw the shape of the bunny). Either way, you are sure to have fun with this DIY. Here is how you can make your own:

DIY Burlap Bunny Door Hanger in Only 10 Easy Steps

Step One: Gather Your Supplies

You will need:

I recommend reading these instructions first, and then start to create your door hanger.

Step Two: Draw Out Your Bunny

You can use the grid to copy the small pattern onto your large burlap canvas. Simply draw a grid onto the burlap with chalk and then follow the curves in each square to copy the shape of your bunny from one of the patterns above.

Step Three: Cut Your First Shape

Follow your chalk lines. Nothing has to be perfect. If you feel as though your chalk line is too big you can trim it later. If you think it may be too small, then cut on the outside of your line to enlarge your bunny.

Step Four: Perfect Your First Bunny

After cutting out her bunny, my sister decided that the sides of her bunny were uneven. To fix this, we folded it in half and recut the larger side to trim off some of the uneven bulges. We gave that bunny a tummy tuck and were ready to cut the second one.

Step Five: Cut the Second Bunny

This bunny door hanger is basically a pillow with two sides and stuffing in the middle. Because of this, you will need a second bunny cut out. Take your first cut out and lay it on top of the burlap to use as a template for your second bunny.

If you have chalk lines that are still visible on your first bunny, be sure to place your bunny chalk-side down. This way, the chalk lines will be on the inside of the bunny and will not be visible from the outside.

Step Six: Glue and Stuff Your Bunnies Together

I would recommend starting to glue at the head, around the ears. Once the head is glued, stuff the ears and head of the bunny. You will want to do this first because it will allow you to have easy access to the ears. Glueing the entire shape at once with a hole at the bottom, as you would do if you were sewing a pillow, will make it difficult to reach your hand up into the ears.

Step Six and a Half: Trim Any Odd Spots

In the picture above, from step six, you can see that the left shoulder area is not as round as the left.

If you have an area on your bunny that looks a bit disproportional, you can simply trim that section and reseal the area.

Step Seven: Adding a Tail

First you will need to decide what you would like to use for a tail. You could use a pre-made pompom, a silk flower, or create your own yarn pompom. In this step, we used a handmade yarn pompom.

Boye Pom Tassel Maker

If you use the pompom maker for this step, follow the instructions that are included in the kit.

Once you have your pompom ready, add glue to the back of your pompom and stick it in place on your bunny.

You can add more glue once the pompom is in place for a secure hold.

After you have attached your pompom, you can trim it to create your perfectly round tail.

Step Eight: Add Your Accessories

You can accessorize your bunny with a ribbon, bow, carrot, maybe even some whiskers made from pipe cleaners. Just remember that if you added a tail that means this is the back of the bunny; so adding something like a face to the same side as the tail would look odd. If you would like to add whiskers, you can do so by glueing them to the “front” side of your bunny (opposite of the tail). Do this in such a way that they stick out on the side, so they appear to come from the face of the bunny but can be seen from the back.

Step Nine: Hanging Your Bunny

After some trial and error, I have found that the easiest way to add a string for hanging the bunny is to add a safety pin to the back. This safety pin can then be directly placed onto a hook. Or, if you would like to have a longer loop to attach to a hook you can add a string of yarn to your bunny by attaching it to the safety pin.

Step Ten: Enjoy!

Hoppy Easter!
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