The Chronic Illness Files

Why I Named my Body

She is selfish. She is unreliable. She is particular about darn near everything. She doesn't like exercise. She doesn't like it when it's too cold, or when it's too hot, oh or too humid. She doesn't like the sun, but she also doesn't like it when it rains. She enjoys long naps. She can't handle… Continue reading Why I Named my Body

The Chronic Illness Files

Five Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone with an Invisible Disability

Hello. Some of you may know me well enough to know that I battle several chronic health conditions and almost every single one of them is an Invisible Disability; however, for those who don't know, I have a long list of health problems. We'll dive into that in a bit, but because of my real… Continue reading Five Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone with an Invisible Disability

Health and Wellness, The Chronic Illness Files

Migraine Emergency Kit

How to Make a Migraine Kit Hello! Oh hush, not so loud.  Migraines run in my family and I too have been given the curse of these unbearable monsters. For the majority of people whom I have met with migraines, they have told me that they know when a migraine is coming.  A stomach ache,… Continue reading Migraine Emergency Kit