Crafts and DIYs, Etsy Craft Kits

Fire Truck Banner Craft Kit Instructions

I love the banner craft kits here at Unplanned Whimsy because they are such fun to create and are perfect for crafters at all experience levels. This DIY post is specifically for a purchased craft kit that you can find on my Etsy shop. If you have seen my Etsy shop or have made your way over to… Continue reading Fire Truck Banner Craft Kit Instructions

Crafts and DIYs, Etsy Craft Kits, Holidays and Celebrations

Fall Wreath Craft Kit

Fall Wreath Craft Kit Step One: Gather Your Supplies In this purchased kit you will receive: Precut Felt Leaves: 5 (of each) Yellow, Gold, Goldenrod, Brown, Orange, Pumpkin Spice, Red, and Maroon 2 Precut Felt Pumpkins: 1 Assembled "thankful" Banner Brown and White Twine 1 10 inch Wire Hoop Additionally, you will need: Glue. You… Continue reading Fall Wreath Craft Kit

Crafts and DIYs, DIYs, Gardening, Home and Garden

Ten DIY Flower Pot Decorating Ideas

The ground is warm and it's time to get your hands in the dirt! Buuuuuuuut, before you get your garden going, you may want to upgrade your flower pots to keep your beloved plants looking gorgeous. Think of it this way: when you bloom into your favorite spring outfit, you need to finish your look… Continue reading Ten DIY Flower Pot Decorating Ideas

Crafts and DIYs, Etsy Craft Kits

Poppy Wreath Craft Kit Instructions

The unofficial start of summer is Memorial Day and although the day is usually marked with barbecues and social gatherings, Memorial Day is so much more than that. It is a day to reflect on the service of the men and women in the armed forces who gave their lives fighting for our freedom. Red… Continue reading Poppy Wreath Craft Kit Instructions

Crafts and DIYs, DIYs, Free Printables, Holidays and Celebrations

Free Printable DIY May Day Flower Baskets

May Day is one of those, for many of us, old forgotten holidays filled with rich history and fun traditions. I am not here to give a history lesson on the holiday but, basically it is a celebration of spring. May Day is celebrated on May 1st. Activities include making and wearing flower crowns, dancing… Continue reading Free Printable DIY May Day Flower Baskets

Crafts and DIYs, DIYs

Repurposing Your Doilies and Lace Fabric

Do you have any doilies or lace scraps that are just waiting to be used? I do! Every time I see my lace stash among my fabric, I have an internal battle over whether or not to just throw them away or save them for future projects. Lace is just to pretty to trash; so,… Continue reading Repurposing Your Doilies and Lace Fabric

Crafts and DIYs, DIYs, Holidays and Celebrations

DIY Pompom Bunnies

Spring is so close, and I (and so many others) think that it is time to bust out the Spring decor, plant seeds, hang wreaths, arrange flowers throughout the house, and just bring some life back into the mundane winter feeling that seems to hover throughout the home after Christmas. So, here is a simple… Continue reading DIY Pompom Bunnies

Crafts and DIYs, DIYs, Holidays and Celebrations

Ten St. Patrick’s Day DIYs to Bring the Luck of the Irish to Your Home this Spring

I never used to celebrated St. Patrick's Day; that was until two years ago when I received the results of an ancestry DNA test and discovered that I am 75% Irish & British. My family and I were a bit in shock, since my mother was told that she was German her entire life. Anyways,… Continue reading Ten St. Patrick’s Day DIYs to Bring the Luck of the Irish to Your Home this Spring

Crafts and DIYs, Etsy Craft Kits, Holidays and Celebrations

Bunny Embroidery Hoop Craft Kit Instructions

Hello and happy Spring! Spring is such a wonderful time of the year. The birds are chirping beautiful music, daffodils and crocus are peeking up from the ground ready to meet the sun, and the rain is like magic as it washes away the winter cold. It's the rainy days of spring that are perfect… Continue reading Bunny Embroidery Hoop Craft Kit Instructions

The Chronic Illness Files

The Annoying Challenges of Being Wheelchair Dependent (Part One)

This post is opinion based, not censored, and is a reflection of my personal journey. I have Dysautonomia and Periodic Paralysis that force me to be wheelchair dependent; however, there are rare days when I can stand and walk a few steps. I haven't always been wheelchair dependent, and therefore know what it is like… Continue reading The Annoying Challenges of Being Wheelchair Dependent (Part One)